The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ: Episode 11
Rev. Sun Myung Moon: The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ
Chapter 2: Jesus’ Early Ministry, Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand, Page 31-32
Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand
From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17)
When you say you believe in Jesus, do you only believe in those things that make you feel good? Do you reject those things about Jesus that make you feel painful? We should accept what Jesus taught and do those things that Jesus himself would want us to do. We should not take part in things that Jesus would not like. What are those things, which Jesus would not like? They are, simply, Satan and sin.
We should separate ourselves from Satan and sin and believe in Jesus from that position, rather than from a position in which sin, Satan, and Jesus are all mixed together in our lives. This is why Jesus said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” For what should we repent? We should repent of the fact that we have been living together with Satan and sin throughout our lives. Once we have repented and separated ourselves from Satan, Jesus urges us to believe in God and serve God. Jesus wanted to rule over a world from which Satan and sin were eradicated, not a world in which Satan was mixed together with everything and in which people had just a vague belief in Jesus. Jesus’ mission was to separate individuals completely from Satan and sin and separate families and countries from Satan and sin … .
Even the most faithful believer in Jesus or the most righteous church on earth cannot proclaim proudly that they are absolutely separated from Satan and sin and that they are following Jesus exactly as he would have them do. No one can say they are living in perfect love in an ideal world with no suffering and tears.
This means that Satan exists as much within churches as he exists everywhere else. Furthermore, there is almost as much sin there as in the rest of the world. If this is true and if what church people love and hate is no different from what the rest of the world loves and hates, then there is very little difference between the world and the church. Which would Satan find more pleasure in, the church or the world? Why would he like the sins of the church more than those of society in general? Satan likes the sins of the church more because then he can protest to God, “Look at those people in the church. They don’t love others; they even hate others! They are not faithful, either. This must be my church.”
Perfection of Restoration by Indemnity through Human Responsibility
March 1, 1983
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