Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 99

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on The Greatest Self Control, Page 377

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The Greatest Self Control

January 10, 2008

If there is a purpose for the existence of mankind, we must discover what that is. What is it? If you already know what it is, a path for discovery is not needed. But because you do not know what it is, there is a need for a path for discovery. So, what is my purpose of existence? Life is short, and I am now forty-five years old. I have never thought that Hyo Jin would turn forty-five. When I was young, I did not have a concept of being forty-five years old. I thought I would retain my youth forever.

Now that all of you have aged you will understand what I am talking about. Do you want your children to grow up like me? What I mean is, do you want them to grow up in a harsh environment like I did? Although there may be no choice, would you want them to grow up that way? Do you think that you have control over that? If you cannot control the surrounding environment, what will you have control over? Controlling the environment is the basic step.

We must learn how to do this in our short lifetime. But if we are not equipped with the basics of learning, what can be properly done? Whatever anyone says, it will become child's play. If we cannot control the education and entertainment that educates and inspires the public, we will lose in the competition. If we cannot control the multimedia, we will lose. That is the conclusion. We will lose in the competition. 

Our movement is a religion. If we are a religion, we must win in the competition. In the end, we must popularize it. We must attract more people to our side. Instead of calling it a fight let's call it a competition. We have to pull the people to our side. We must put ourselves in a more advantageous position. We must become more awesome. We must become popular. This does not happen in a moment. It takes time. It does not happen in my moment only. That is how you must think and prepare. If you do not, you will become handicapped. We will not be able to reach the end.

In an age of constant change and rapidly evolving trends, we will not be able to handle the competition. We cannot change positions with our competition and we cannot overtake them either. That is because we do not have the best capability. We do not have anything with which we can control the environment. We need to have at least one thing but we do not have it. That is why we cannot win in the competition. So what is our plan? First, we need a plan to preserve our foundation. From there we can start. 

So what is everyone imagining? It is up to you. However, you must know who you are. I, Hyo Jin, have nowhere to go. Even if I want to run away, I have nowhere to run. I only have myself. In the end, I will be judged by who I am. Do you understand? There is nothing more than that. Do you understand what I am saying? 

The important thing is, you must die well! You have to die well! Dying well is the greatest self-control! That is the best self-control! There is no better self-control! One thing you at least need to know properly is how to let yourself die well! Then you will have some kind of possibility. How long will you really live? Everyone! Die well!

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