Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 93

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Hope, Page 360

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October 28, 2007

Good morning. (Good morning.)

Is everything okay with you?

Hey, long time no see, good to see you. (Hyo Jin nim recognizes one brother.)

Do you have hope? Hope in yourself? Hope in humanity? Hope in the future? I guess hope means something that's going to be better. Right? For all of us, right? For all of us, not just me. Because hope has a greater range than just self-awareness or self-existence. Okay. there are a lot of dooms-sayers you know, apocalyptic stuff that they propound to a religious community and that's based on revelations and stuff. It's based on a dream-state kind of babbling. Because what you see is what you get. That's what you see.

When we can see something, we can change it. That's the nature of mankind. That separates us from any other creatures in creation. If we can recognize something, in absolute terms, we can change it because we have that control. That is the greatest blessing. We have that control of that absolute as if we are a divine creator. So, when it's absolutely, undeniably obvious, in-your-face, everybody wants to be good, for not everybody wants to be bad. Put the principle words "original mind" aside. People want to be good in the end. How can you deny yourself the ability to change, the opportunity to be better, the blessing that you can have when you know that this kind of stuff is in your face? Of course you can see the horrible atrocities that people can commit on each other in a maximum range. In terms of degree, it's maximum. You can't go beyond this, you can't do more evil. Men can't do more evil to each other and it's apparent, you see it every day on television and stuff, the internet or whatever. Thank God for multimedia. Right? But, once we can recognize our wrong, that's when we can truly change. You have to truly understand your wrong to truly change.

So, why do you have hope? I see hope in my youngest kid. He's a bug, you know, because he's little and just slithers around on his belly all over the place. It's a bug. To me it's a bug. It's not human yet! And the little bug will turn into a monkey and then start to somehow turn into a human someday!! Well, he is a little bug and so independent. If I drop dead tomorrow, he's going to make it. So, that's hope for me. That's not to say that I plan on dying tomorrow. I want to see that little kid grow up and see him make little bambinos. I want to see it. You never know. That is what I wish. You take it as it comes. But that's a hope for me. And you go to a third-world country, and just any little thing that you give to a poor child, you see that face light up. That's a hope right there. You can do a ton of that stuff.

Many times it's the subjectivity that we all have that clouds us about the visions of tomorrow. Why do you want to take something that is so cloudy and dark when you can also choose the opposite? You make that choice. That's the problem. You're subjective. Individual responsibility means that you have to make decisions sometimes, and sometimes the decisions that you make can screw you up.

Why? Because a decision starts something, it starts the wrong cycle of stupid thinking. And who are you going to fault for what you have done? You can't fault anyone other than yourself in the end. So, even when you seek objectivity, you can't always just be objective. You have to have some kind of center and finding that stuff is difficult. How do you balance your subjectivity and your objectivity in balance and have that center. Because you know it's that stuff you will feel up, you will feel subjective, you will feel objective. You will naturally have that kind of rhythm.

But how do you balance that stuff? Sometimes you force it, sure. But beyond that point, even without you knowing you have that natural rhythm, how do you balance it? That's why you have to find that center. I don't know what your limitations are. I don't because everybody has limitations. You have to know your own limit. You have to figure it out. Otherwise. you're not going to be anything because you're trying to get something beyond what you can provide for yourself. That's why understanding your basic limitations, yourself, is much more important than anything else, and before you do anything else. Otherwise, how can you help somebody? Even trying to better yourself, you have to know your limit so you can choose the proper stuff for yourself. Right? You don't want to be a rock star do you? Maybe some people do, some people have that kind of desire. But not everybody can be that. Choose your stuff. In order to choose your stuff, you have to know your limit. Just because it looks good, sounds good, that does not mean it is for you. See your limit, you're responsible for it. Know your limit, you're responsible for it. That's individual responsibility. From there, you start. From there you can nurture yourself to grow. You mature, and ultimately grow into perfection, and become something that is you. And we need a lot of stuff like that to make a great, greater society.

When you look at America, this is the greatest nation. But basically people want stability, security, and continuity. And you think America is an ideal world? You think it can provide that, the basic stuff the citizens demand, forever? I don't think so. It will change. It has to change. Obviously it's not perfect, to say the least. Okay? It will change. It has to change. But that's what people basically want in civilization. And you want to create an ideal civilization? So, how do you go about achieving that? You have to look at yourself individually. And you have to know your limitations. You know what I'm saying. You have to first know your limitations before you start demanding stuff from others. That's the most important thing. When we can do that, when we can control ourselves to that degree, yes, there's hope for humanity. If I can start to do that, starting from me, there's a hope in me. And if that can be synchronized, then there's a hope for whatever that is greater. Okay? Hope. You build it! That fate is in our hands, our fate. You build it, nobody else. Don't pray to God, you build it. God is showing you the way, you build it, and then don't blame anyone else. Okay?

Hey! We have hope! We can do it! Just take it easy. Be patient. Take it step-by-step. You don't need to hurry. You aren't going anywhere. We're trapped on this little marble until it changes for the better. Don't get ahead of yourself. Pace yourself, look at others. Okay? Because we all have to do that to change the world, not just me. Okay, so pace yourself. Yeah, I'm sharing my personal kind of stuff, learning and whatever, personal realization, observation. But God, through my Parents, gave birth to me so you don't get credit for just anything. If I did something for you, you don't want to do that stuff. Some things you just want to walk away from. You have to know how to do that. It's not yours. Don't be selfish. Because it's so easy to be selfish isn't it? You aren't going to make it to the top taking the easy way out, right? 

So, take care of yourselves and I'll see you next week.

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