Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 88

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Change, Page 344

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August 26, 2007

Good morning. (Good morning.)

How are you doing, okay?

We all know that changes are in the future, right? If anything is going to change, it's going to happen in the future. Is all change good? Is it all just good? Sometimes changes can be bad. So, how can we determine the change to be the change that we want? How do you go about achieving that? What's the kind of change that you want? What is an ideal change? 

Do you have a relationship with God? You do? You talk to Him every day? Really?! Okay, that's your opinion. We all have opinions. You can believe whatever you want to believe. This is America, right?!

Do you idolize something, idealize something, and does that have something to do with God and humanity? Or is it personal? Can you make something that is ideal personal? And if you can, and if that is doable, then how do you go about achieving that? What has to happen to make ideal personal? What do you have to be to actually achieve that? Because when you talk about ideal, in a way you have to talk about the relationship between God and humanity. It's God and humanity. Even when you talk with the little information that there is about Jesus, he is a representation of humanity, it is the relationship between God and humanity through our representation, a single representation. And obviously his course was tragic. And through that something was manifested called Christianity.

What is Christianity? There are so many versions of Christianity. There are many denominations, close to 500 and growing every day. They each have a different interpretation of that single person who represented the relationship between God and humanity. So, when you idolize something and you try to make it personal, you have to know where you stand. Why do you want to make it personal? Because only then can I have some kind of give and take that I can feel, that can give me some kind of satisfaction or something! And why do you want that kind of satisfaction with the relationship between God and humanity? Change, change for the better.

You know, the first thing that goes against change is arrogance, right? There are so many experts out there that say, "I know everything about this, and unless you pass me, you aren't going anywhere, whatever you think you have." And there's another opposite group of people, the insecure defeatists, doomsday-sayers, the naysayers. And then there are people in the middle, the skeptics and cynics who say, "I don't trust you." Trust is a very difficult thing for the cynics and skeptics. Why? Because they say look at history. And that's all they need to say as they go down the list, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then they say, "Who the heck are you?" And how are you going to prove anything to them? It takes time to prove something. Right off the bat you have that kind of challenge. 

Change is difficult just because of the way we think and where we are in reality. I mean you have to deal with all that stuff. I mean you can separate them into all sorts of other levels, but basically that's what you have to deal with in order to make change real. You can talk about change, but first of all you have to go up against that hurdle. How do you do that? How do you convince those people? How do you convince the so-called experts, the arrogant people who say, "I know everything in this field, so unless you prove to me that you know better than I do, I'm not going to move. I'm staying here, this is my authority." And you go to those people who are absolutely insecure and who respond, "No! It isn't going to happen, it isn't going to happen, it isn't going to happen. Just living with my neighbors, no it isn't going to happen!"

So, what is the ideal? What is the ideal relationship between God and mankind? What does God want from us? Do you feel His love? Really? It's a concept isn't it? Okay, everybody feels the same? No? That's a problem! The ideal relationship is love. And how do you teach somebody that stuff? How do you learn about that kind of stuff? How do you have the kind of feeling that you have, and that others can have as well? How do you do that? You have to be honest. And you have to try to be as transparent as you can possibly be. Even if it means that you have to be vulnerable, so be it. So, what you see is what you get, nothing else, that's it. And from there you can start. If anything is going to change, it's going to start with a very simple goodness. That's about it. That we all know, but many times we don't practice because of all sorts of reasons. 

You can find your own thing living in this pretentious world. You can pretend and try to take as much as you can when the opportunity arises, right? That's the way, right? That's the way of capitalism, isn't it? You gamble with your life in that way. And it's a short life. But, what do you want to change? How long do you think it's going to take to change the world? We haven't even found the proper communication, proper ways to communicate with other religions that are warring in the name of God. That's a big homework isn't it? And it's a very important one because it affects everybody. What good is freedom when you live in terror? What's the point? And how do you go about addressing that issue? It has to start from very, very basic things. You have to address those. If you can't, there's no way you're going to change the world. I want to change too. All my life, I always expect things to change for the better, because it was promised to me. I'm still waiting. Most likely, I'll die for it. That's pretty much what I see, the price that I have to pay for the change. So be it. And it's not just me, you too. As long as you are here, that's the price you pay.

So, what can I do now? You tell me. You want an ideal relationship with God, you want to learn about the greatest love, the eternal love, all the blessings and joy and happiness, everything that was promised, everything that is ideal that you can fantasize about. I want that. I want that with God. I want it forever because that's where forever comes from. Because I want that forever, I need to make that relationship with God. So be it. 

How do you go about starting that relationship? What are you going to do? What is your first step? What is your second step? What is your third step? The first step is understanding basic vows. That's about it. The promises that were made, you have to understand that step then go to the next one. What is the next one, after the basic vows? It's your blessing. Make the blessing work. And what is the final step? And I'm simplifying things. You give your life for it. And I'll do my best as I learn these things. I'll do my best to help you so that I can help myself achieve that ultimate end, that I'll give my life for. Judgment? People die every day, people are born every day, right?

So, that's how you change the world, knowing the absolute basic stuff. First of all it's necessary, you have to live it, and I try to live it. That's the pain in the butt part, because it lasts your whole life. What else can I say? Life sucks! But it can be good, it's just the way that you look at things. It varies on different days. Okay? All right, take care.

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