Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 85

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Whom Do You Want To Love Forever?, Page 333

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Whom Do You Want To Love Forever?

August 5, 2007

Do You Want To Love Forever?

Did you say garden and wife or God and wife? God and wife, okay that's a start. What else? Is there something else? (Kids.) What else? (True Parents—the messiah.) The messiah? (Yourself.) Myself?— Yes, you can love yourself, you can try. You know people try that every day and they're trying very hard to make that work for the rest of their lives.

(Parents.) Parents—that's a difficult one isn't it? But, where did you come from? So, we have to know exactly, at least the basics of who do you want to love forever. You have to talk about that stuff before you talk about anything else. So, you want to love God. You should love your parents forever. You want to love your wife. You want to love your children. Who else? (Brothers and sisters.) Brothers and sisters? Do you have people other than that kind of lineage orientation? (Friends, all mankind.) All mankind, okay, this is the stuff where people make money in religion!

Why do you want to love something forever? What's important in that kind of relationship? What makes it work? What do you expect out of that kind of relationship? And if you do, what makes it work? The Principle says that everything is of give-and-take, right? It says that it is reciprocal love that makes things, that makes love work. So how do you find that reciprocal love? How do you find it in a real situation? Not something in the conceptual realm or something beyond, but how do you find it in reality? When do you feel that reciprocation of love? When do you feel that somebody is giving something to you that you feel good about taking and you want to do that back to that person? So, how would you find that sincerity? How do you know it? Where do you find that trust? Because when you talk about sincerity, you have to go into trust.

How can you trust something? For it is them that you're supposedly reciprocating. So, from there you start. If you don't answer that stuff, if you can't answer that stuff, you can't start. So, what is your relationship to something that matters to you? I can't answer that for you. All I can say is that that's where you start. You have to find your own answers. Why? Because it's your life. Nobody else can live it for you, nobody can tell you how to live it. Because you live your own life, not me. I live mine, you live yours. That's it. It's as simple as that. And because of that absolute truth, when you ask the basic questions, when you're seeking an answer to make your life better, you start. That's about it, whether you like it or not. I don't care how old you are. It doesn't matter whether you're a teenager, whether you're middle-aged, or whether you're old. My Father wants to live to be 120, so be it. You answer that question, nobody else. 

So, start asking questions about yourself and start seeking answers and start counting those I want to love forever, okay? Count them! Write it down if you have to, start with that. How can I make this better? The list may go on and on. Somebody said humanity, okay. I don't know humanity. I don't even know you, not all of you. I know some of you. It's up to you. So, what's going to make me better? What's going to make me and at what level? Eternal level, forever stuff? Okay, write the list. Make the list. And you answer to that, no one else. That's why you struggle, okay?

Peace, and happiness, okay we all want those. Yeah, that's why you go to movies, right? Sometimes it's something like that. But it takes a process to make things happen. Do you know how important alignment is to make your body perfect? It's important, it's a process. Something has to be true to be what you idealize. No matter how screwed up you are, you want that stuff. That stuff is very difficult to get, and it's not going to be given to you, okay? Trust me. Nobody can give it to you, not even God. So, where do you start? Answer that stuff, that basic stuff.

Whom do I want to love forever? If you want to be good, at least know that stuff, and that's where you start. I don't know how big or far you'll make your list, it's up to you. So, when you start, you'd better know what you're doing because you're going to die for it. True love has no choice. Selfish love has a choice. That's why you want to be a patriot, right? Those poor guys. There are members out there serving for America, for this country. Those guys, I wish them well. You have no choice in certain things. That's the irony right? The truth of love.

Okay, see you next week.

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