Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 48

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Joy, Page 187

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October 29, 2006

Good Morning. How are you feeling today? Are you happy? (Laughter.) Let's share about, "Joy." When do we feel joyful, happy? May I ask you a question? When do you feel happy? Anybody want to share their answer with us? (Lots of different answers from the audience).

We could go on and on like this, but there is a theme in everything that we do in life. It's all about lessons, about knowing something. Knowing something gives you joy, nothing else.

It's up to you. You prefer a certain perspective in a moment in time. If you try to look at the reality of a dice, it has six sides or six perspectives to it. In order to understand just the dice reality, you have to know those six perspectives.

Let's say there's more, a sphere and every perspective is the size of a pinhead. Just to create a sphere the size of a marble you will have hundreds of perspectives. When you consider a perspective the size of a pinhead, that's reality—that's where you start.

Knowing gives you joy. Oh, I got a raise, I got promoted. It's that thing that gives you the recognition from others. You don't live alone and there is some counterpart in terms of your relationships—whether it is divine or horizontal it doesn't matter. That knowing that somebody thinks I'm worth something, that gives you joy. I got more money so I can buy whatever I want. I got a position that I think I deserve, because someone appreciates you.

Joy comes from knowing that.

Joy is knowing what God intended, religiously speaking, about your true self, because it's only when you're true to yourself that you can truly understand who you are, that you can truly be joyful. You don't need anything else. That alone will suffice. And you can grow from there.

The way, the speed, the manner, the quality, in which you grow is up to you. It all starts from that because it is all about fulfilling the will of God. What is the will of God, creating an ideal world? How big, how much, it doesn't matter.

Father has many children. I don't think every one of them wants to be elder son. I don't think that's proper. It would be absolutely chaotic if that happened. I don't think everybody wants to be the younger son either. Even that won't happen because you belong to something, and if you do, you do as who you are, not somebody else.

In the beginning, Father was accused of all sorts of things. People came because they wanted truth and they were getting fire; they were getting a spiritual experience physically. During that time, the wife of the president of Korea was an American citizen, Maria Park. She was a devout Christian that accused us of all sorts of things because a lot of things were happening at that time. Young people from the highest educational institutions were joining in droves.

They accused Father of doing all sorts of crazy things like putting an electrical blanket on the floor to make people think they felt fire. There were a lot of spiritual people joining too, all sorts of crazy people. Some of it was legitimate. How can you know about spirit? Do you know about spirit? You can't really say. Some people might be legitimate.

The final test is the test of time.

There was physical stuff that was alluring—there was spiritual stuff that was alluring—but the most important thing is that the bulk of Father's ministry is about intelligence 

When he goes back to finalize his own mission, his personal mission, whether he goes through spirit world or using his palace, of course, there's a physical ministry. How many people here come from the former Soviet Union? (Several young people raise their hands.) I know that you guys come from that area. You need those kinds of places, those great halls to do politics, right—to play a role in society, right? Not just in this society, global society. Those kinds of things, that's His course.

Put that aside. Let's talk about us. That's not really important to us. That's what he has to do. What's important to us is how we understand, how we adapt and adjust and make our mark in the scheme of things in this providence, in this dispensation, in the way he sees it. 

Let's pull back and talk about joy. How do we feel joy? Let's talk about sex. It's about the consummation of procreation. When that moment happens the intellect rises up to the spirit. You feel something that is real and from that you recognize something, because it's real you're knowing something—you're recognizing something, something that was meant to be. That gives you joy. You can translate it cheaply into just physical pleasure, but it's more than that because you are more than just a body. It's about knowing your true identity, all about yourself, everything that is about yourself. In the end you have to know about the intent of God. Knowing that is knowing truly how you're designed. Without knowing your design you can never be happy. Let's talk about dying. To me, it's just something natural. You don't want to make too much fuss about it. You came from something and you're going back to something. You think dying is bad? You came from something and you're going back to something. That's it. If you know that, dying doesn't look that bad.

Time seems to go by so fast, but what if it never ends? Time will fly, it will go. Time won't exist, but it never ends. You're part of that. Knowing that is something. Why should we fear the eternal time, time that never ends? You fear it because to us this life is important. There are many ways to die, natural causes—you can die of disease, die of accident, die of murder, and by suicide. Natural is the best way.

You will die. That's inevitable. You want to live an eternal life—that you have to know about an eternal life—and if there's a process about which you learn about yourself dying, then that's the process you will inevitably have to go through, whether you like it or not, because you will die.

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