Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 40

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Dream, Page 155

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September 24,2006

Please be seated.

Good morning. (Good morning.)

Let's talk about “Dream." (Laughter.) I'm not talking about fantasies or nightmares but about our dream. I guess that everybody knows about Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.

So, when you talk about dream, you're talking about a vision, and when you talk about a vision, obviously you're talking about something greater than yourself beyond your personal individual desires or reality, something grander than that. Hopefully if you believe in God it has some kind of religious tone to it.

It is a kind of mission statement. When you talk about a dream, ultimately it becomes a mission statement. I believe. I dream about something. We like to talk in general about world peace. Everybody does whether you believe in God or not. We don't want people killing each other. We want harmony. We want peace, prosperity. So, that is basically what it is in the end when you talk about a dream—something beyond yourself, something greater that involves a higher power. How one interprets what is a higher power obviously can vary. Communism had its own ideology that lasted about 70 years, and pretty much conquered the world—almost conquered the world but they failed. It lived about the average lifespan of an individual human being and disappeared. Nobody will believe in it again.

It's something like that. A dream is something grander because it's vision oriented. And when you think about a vision obviously it's beyond what you are immediately pursuing and need. So, how do you go about achieving something that you immediately need and can achieve?

Whatever the circumstances might be, if you make a mission statement, obviously you have to prove it. You're committed. You're basically telling everybody this is what I am. And you create expectation in other people, a third party. That's what you're doing. You set this up in the end for your own sanity's sake, your survival's sake—your dream then becomes a need-to-do responsibility. If you don't do this kind of thing, you will fail.

When you fail after saying all those big things it's miserable. You're asking for it. That's why we have to think hard before we make that kind of mission statement.

Why do we do it—for what reason are we doing it? Are we doing it for ourselves or are we truly pushed because of some kind of circumstances that make you genuinely feel that you have to do that. And if you fail with that honesty at least you'll find you have some dignity in it.

Even if you fail, start over. If you don't you're in trouble. Why? Otherwise all that bluster was just arrogance. Keeping your word is very difficult. Being humble is keeping your word. Avoiding arrogance is trying to be humble. What being humble is—is keeping your word. It's very difficult. You can be a humble guy and try to keep your word and fail miserably. But in the end, the good people, the ones who observe a higher power, can forgive you. If you don't have that, it is very difficult.

It is easy when you look at this world and decide to self-promote. You think, "I’lI become a star." But becoming a star has nothing to do with becoming something relevant to changing the world. Especially in relationship to God, it's going to have a negative connotation. It's all about megalomania stuff.

Most stars you see, they put on a front. They're different, but it's difficult to find the definition to describe those kinds of people. They definitely have a certain kind of mental state, whether you describe it as a disorder or not that's relative, but something like this hounds people who are in it. Obviously they do have a sense of self-grandeur through power and money, or whatever.

What does that have to do with a vision? What does that have to do with a dream we seek?

There are examples out there all over the place. The problem is that this stuff comes into our sanctuary. Our individual home is, in a way, our individual Garden of Eden. Do you know that? You as a parent who have children, you're basically going through the process of building the kingdom of heaven on earth starting with your family. As the story goes, the person whose job it was to give proper guidance to Adam and Eve, was corrupted and because of that things were tainted and the Fall occurred.

Do you think that you're absolutely in control of your Garden of Eden? You're not! You have so much corruption coming in whether you like it or not. Unless you make your house a prison, you literally can't stop it. You can't stop those influences. It's corrupt. It's decadent. And sometimes it's outright criminal. Just because it's available and just because you can do it, not everything is good for your Garden of Eden.

The problem is that you can't control it. You might make your house into a prison, but the children have to walk out to go to school. They're going to spend at least 60 percent of the time out of the prison, even if you did build your house into a prison. How are you going to control that? I can only control the Garden of Eden, but not the other stuff. 

You have to start from somewhere, the individual level and the individual family situation. From that, multiplying and through connecting you build the ideal Kingdom. Now put aside the connection for a while. Can you protect your own Garden of Eden? And if all sorts of stuff is coming in that can contaminate it and corrupt it, then what are you doing to replace it? Do you have something or a system to replace the corrupt influences?

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