Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers: Episode 40
Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers
A Lifetime of Conversation with Our Heavenly Parent
Hope: Please Let Us Become The Unification Movement Which Realizes The Ideal World of Love, Page 55
Please Let Us Become The Unification Movement Which Realizes the Ideal World of Love
Beloved Father! When we look into Your heart which is filled with grief, we must realize that a hidden ideal love is boiling up in Your mind which no one knows about.
When people ask why God created people, until now we didn't know that God created because he wanted to love. Until today humankind did not know the original value of human beings. If one is born as a man, he must love the woman who is his object partner as an eternal woman, and if he establishes a family, representing God, he must love his family as an eternal family.
That standard of love will become the foundation of the tribe and the people, and the people's foundation will naturally become the foundation of the nation, and the foundation of the nation will naturally become not only the foundation for the World, but it will become the foundation for the cosmos as well. Only if there is that kind of unchanging world which is united in one direction, can a new world centered on Your original love be established. Therefore, Father, today please take pity on all humankind who have been wounded by the fall, and are struggling within the realm of grief due to the fall. It is Your Will to achieve a new unified system of love centered on Your love, and a new form of a unified religion by dealing with each of the cultural realms which have different backgrounds centered on the stage called the world in the East and West and all four directions, and by adjusting the individuals, families, tribes, peoples and nations in each of the ages. According to that, we have now come to realize that the purpose of religion is to go forth hoping for that.
Father! From this viewpoint, we know that the religion of the new age is to pave the way to penetrate the deep marrow of Your love and move it into each heart, each situation and the hope of the people, and that is the reason the Unification Church came into existence. Your son who is standing here could overcome persecution, no matter how severe it was, because I knew Your deep love, and without becoming exhausted or stopping, I walk forward to tomorrow with hope, because I know Your new love. I earnestly pray that You will please let these people know that it was because I knew how amazing Your love is that I could have this kind of confidence in myself and this kind of authority which is able to look the path of death in the face, go forward directly, and not avoid that path.
There is something wrong if after joining the Unification Church, we do not find ourselves to be different from how we were in the past. We must realize the fact that Unification Church members who are like that are sinning against the name "Unification." If one is called a Unification believer, wherever he stays, he must reveal himself as having the nature of the subject partner of love in that environment.
The way that one can know whether So-and-so Moon is real or fake, is to look at his fruits. Therefore, please let the Unification Church members bring light to each of the environments where they stay as more, new, true subject partners of heaven's love. Please let us know that only if they are able to reveal themselves as standard object partners or subject partners having valuable content, even without their knowing it, they are beings who have the authority that can be expected of believers in the Unification Church.
We know that until now heaven established this church and acted in order to extend this kind of foundation horizontally throughout the world. We know that we are standing in the ranks going forward toward the creation of a world of a new culture and a new tribe by realizing one realm of heart while transcending our people, and transcending our nations and national boundaries. Therefore, please let all the Unification Church groups spread throughout the West, and all the groups spread throughout Asia and on all five continents follow Your heart; and at the same time they must be like these candle lights: when they relate to the great sea, they must fulfill the mission of lighthouses. We earnestly ask You to let us become witnesses who know that we are shouldering that kind of mission, and who are able to testify about Your deep heart as incarnations of love who are going forward to today, tomorrow and the future.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.(March 7, 1976)
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