Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers: Episode 37
Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers
A Lifetime of Conversation with Our Heavenly Parent
Hope: Please Let All of Our Emotions Long For Things of The Original Nature, Page 51
Please Let All of Our Emotions Long For Things of The Original Nature
It is a regrettable fact that our eyes have not been able to see You. It is a regrettable fact that our ears have not been able to hear Your holy voice of love. It is grievous that our noses have not been able to smell all the fragrances wafting about in the garden of flowers and the fragrance of Your love in Eden without sin. Our mouths are grieved that they could not eat the things of creation in Your good and holy garden of liberation, rather than the things of creation that are in the realm of the fall.
When we think about the fact that everything that we have felt through our emotions and everything that we have felt through our sense of touch, was felt and contacted from a position that is in opposition to You, we must realize that we are the descendants of fallen humankind who were defiled over and over again. We must long for the day when we are able to arrive in that place with minds that earnestly respect our holy, liberated and good images, and stand in that place and look up to and praise heaven, listen to Your advice and receive Your commands.
We must grieve that we have not been able to stand in a position where all the emotions we feel could surrender to You while looking at nature, as the garden of blessing which You allowed and which has fragrances wafting around.
We must be able to throw away the corrupt things we have been fond of until now and go forth of our own accord, longing for ourselves of the original nature which heaven wanted to protect.
Since we know that all our emotions have been defiled, now please let all of our minds and emotions have You as our motive, form a relationship with You and produce results that are due to You.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
(October 3, 1971)
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