Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers: Episode 31
Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers
A Lifetime of Conversation with Our Heavenly Parent
Hope: Father! Where Are You Dwelling, Page 45
Narrated by Kwon Jin Moon
Father! Where Are You Dwelling
Father! Today at this moment in what place are You dwelling? We have come to know that You do not dwell on some kind of throne high in space somewhere, nor in a place with the tradition of some kind of glorious culture.
We have come to know that what You desired at the time of creation was to dwell in the mind of a man who worshiped God and loved God truly, and to dwell in the mind of a woman like that. And after coming to dwell in the minds of that kind of man and woman, You wanted to tell them, "You are all my loves!," and You wanted to meet them through a new destined relationship. We have come to know that when that man and woman stood in the position of having the heartistic foundation of historical ancestors centered on the destined relationship of the true parents, You wanted to dwell there personally. Therefore we have come to know that You had wanted to dwell in the center of that family.
We have come to know that You wanted to love the children who came from that destined relationship, from the blood-relationship of those kinds of parents. You wanted to embrace those sons and daughters with the broad, lofty, and profound touch of Your love. And You wanted to prepare a place where You could love with a tear-filled heart.
The members of the Unification Movement know well that You wanted to establish the Four Position Foundation centered on that family by having planted deep the root of love in that kind of family of peace and those children, and to establish the foundation for the blessed land on earth. However, that has all remained as grief for thousands and tens of thousands of years. We have come to know the fact that in order to greet the day in which this kind of foundation for the blessed land could be laid, a bitter path of death has continued for six thousand years.
We know that so many people have been sacrificed in lamentable, regrettable and miserable positions. We know that You called this one being in order to pay the price for all of this. Doing that is Your love in order to establish one model man, woman and family. And we have clearly realized that it is Your hope to dwell in the families of all people in all ages by dwelling as the subject center in that family.
Therefore, we must become people who are able to yearn for the touch of Your compassion and long for Your mercy, even along a path of ten thousand deaths, and we must become children who are able to stretch our hands out towards heaven, and shout out calling You "Father" crazily until our throats burst and our cells become paralyzed.
We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to become Your children who are able to prepare to meet the messiah and to love the messiah who is coming, while lamenting that we are people of the fallen blood lineage who cannot become men and women who personally possess the love You desired. We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents.
(January 26, 969)
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