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Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers: Episode 21

Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers
A Lifetime of Conversation with Our Heavenly Parent
Hope: Please Let Us Long for Heavenly Families, Page 32

Narrated by Kwon Jin Moon

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Please Let Us Long for Heavenly Families

Father! We must become people who are able to realize and weep over the sorrow of our father who was not able to find the sons and daughters he wanted to find on this earth, but please pardon us, for we have been in the pitiful situation of wandering around searching for our own satisfaction.

Jesus, too, looked at his mother and Younger brothers who were in this kind of situation, and said, "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother." We are people who do not have parents of the original nature, who do not have brothers and sisters of the original nature, who do not have children of the original nature, who have not become couples of the original nature.

Since what we must hope and long for now are parents of the original nature, brothers and sisters of the original nature, children of the original nature, and couples of the original nature, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who long for parents of the original nature, who long for brothers and sisters of the original nature, who long for children of the original nature, who long for couples of the original nature, and who forget our own prestige and wander looking for them. Please let a movement of people begin in heaven and earth in which they are able to enjoy the lives of heavenly families which attend You directly. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that in heaven and earth You will let a heartistic revolution, a revolution of love arise, which we cannot help but respond to even if we don't want to, and we cannot help but go to, even if we don't want to, as we are transformed by that ideal and enjoy it. 

Earnestly hoping that You will allow us to take that as our guiding principle of life and to have it become a turning point in our lives, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord.

(September 27, 1959)

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