Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers: Episode 15
Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers
A Lifetime of Conversation with Our Heavenly Parent
Hope: Please Let Us Seek and Enter Into Your World of Heart, Page 23
Narrated by Kwon Jin Moon
Please Let Us Seek and Enter Into your World of Heart
Oh Father, who has not cast us aside and who never rests while guiding us through new love! Even if we do not seem appropriate in relation to Your Will, and we do not please You, please relate to us with a mind of compassion. Even so, we have earnest minds that are seeking to enter Your world of heart and are avoiding the sinister world. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will come into our minds and pardon them, adding Your compassion as You look at our minds.
Since we know that You will not cast away a person who appears and is concerned about Your Heart, and who has gone forth seeking You with an earnest heart, please allow our minds to dash forward towards Your mind, Father, and please allow our bodies to dash forward in order to be held in Your embrace. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will please incite our minds and bodies, and that You will let our minds and bodies be filled by a movement that can appear and kick aside the angry, lonely, regrettable history of sin.
Now our minds long for Your internal nature; our bodies want to look upon Your external form; our hands want to hold Your hand, and we want to hold Your body, Father. We know that it is Your central hope in relation to humankind that You want to have sons and daughters who are able to sing of Your love, to have that kind of true sons and daughters.
Therefore we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will let this become a time in which at least our minds and bodies are filled with that kind of heart. We know that only if our lonely heart, which rebukes what we have done wrong in the past, and which reproaches how insufficient we are today, explodes from within our innermost heart and calls out to You, only then will You hold on to us, will You look down upon us, and will You embrace us.
Therefore, Father, please allow us to have that kind of heart. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that by allowing us to be filled with that kind of heart and to recognize how inadequate we are, there will appear in us an earnest mind that is able to offer everything to Your majesty.
Even if we are faced with an environment where we cannot find a place for our body to stay, and our minds which must head towards heaven are wandering in the midst of chaos, we know that You will not cast us aside and You will lead us into Your embrace through Your touch of grace.
Therefore, earnestly hoping that You will raise up minds that are able to bow down and appeal before You, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord.
(April 12, 1959)
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