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Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers: Episode 07

Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Prayers
A Lifetime of Conversation with Our Heavenly Parent
Hope: Please Establish Us As Our Original Selves In the Original Garden, Page 11

Narrated by Kwon Jin Moon

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Please Establish Us As Our Original Selves in the Original Garden

Beloved Father!

In the garden of our minds, please allow Your joy to be planted!

Please allow Your life to be planted; please allow Your love to be planted; and please allow Your glory to be planted! Please allow Your joy, life, love and glory to become the foundation of our eternal minds, and please allow us to trample down and stand victorious over all the unhappiness of the earth.

Please allow us to trample down and stand victorious over this world of darkness, and please allow us to trample down and stand victorious over this world with its terrible divisions and strife.

Since we must become sons and daughters who are able to trample down and stand victorious over sighs, interference and weeping and we must become people who are able to spread joy to many people, please guide us even though we are inadequate.

Father! We know that today we ourselves must stand before You as true children, and we must not enjoy happiness from an evil position, or enjoy happiness centered on ourselves. Furthermore, we know that the life Christ lived when he came to the earth was not a life centered on himself. Therefore, Father, before ourselves being happy, please let us first make our brethren happy; and before enjoying something ourselves, please let us be able to let our brethren enjoy it.

Please let us have minds that are able to walk the cosmic course of life and go beyond ourselves. Please allow us to be able to love each other and to relate as true brothers and sisters through goodness alone while taking the example of Christ's course of life.

Please allow us to be able to have God's joy, life, love and glory as our own, and we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that You will establish us as one center from which we cannot leave even if we wanted to, centered on the destined relationship of true brothers and sisters.

We know that if there is a person who truly loves others, the original garden will reveal eternal value through that person. Therefore, please, please lead us to be able to sing songs of Your glory without being ashamed by having become the sons and daughters of heaven You have been hoping for within the realm of Your love.

Please allow us to be able to bow down respectfully with gratitude before You and Your glory, and to reveal our individual values as object partners of beauty to you. And while earnestly hoping and desiring that You will please allow us to become eternal children of victory, we have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
(June 9, 1957)

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