Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: Episode 423
Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches
Book 10: True Parents, the Hope of God and Humankind
Speech 13: A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will I, pg 1585-1591
Inheriting True Parents’ victorious tradition
These victories that I attained through blood, sweat and tears, and on the basis of the unity of the True Parents and all humankind, laid the foundation for a series of historic proclamations. First, in Jerusalem in 2003 I had Jesus proclaimed as the King of kings before heaven and earth, with the acknowledgement of representatives of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Following this, in 2004, my wife and I were acknowledged as the King and Queen of Peace in a United States Senate office building and then at the Korean National Assembly. Subsequently, in June 2006, we held the Coronation Ceremony of the True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace in heaven and on earth.
Ladies and gentlemen, as we begin the twenty-first century, we find ourselves at a truly historic turning point. We are at a point of decision. Can everlasting world peace take root, or are we doomed to repeat the twentieth century’s dark and oppressive history of war and conflict? The twentieth century was a period of ceaseless conflicts, including the struggles of colonized countries to gain independence, the First and Second World Wars, and the Korean War in which sixteen nations took part under the banner of the United Nations. The UN forces were mobilized to the Korean Peninsula under God’s providence, for the sake of regaining God’s homeland of peace. Even after that, people had to endure a period of conflict and hostility during the Cold War between nations of the Eastern and Western Blocs.
Living through this era, I dedicated my life entirely to bringing about the kingdom of God, the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. I have always prayed sincerely that the United Nations, founded after the Second World War, would be an institution for peace, and that it would uphold God’s Will for the realization of eternal world peace. The United Nations has indeed made important contributions to peace. Nevertheless, around its sixtieth anniversary in 2005, there was a broad consensus both inside and outside the organization that the UN had yet to discover the way to fulfill its founding purposes. The number of member states approaches two hundred; however the offices of these states do little more than represent and even insist on their own interests. They seem inherently unable to resolve conflicts and achieve peace.
Ladies and gentlemen, on September 12, 2005, I proclaimed throughout all of heaven and earth the establishment of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), which will enable God’s providence to flourish. It is now possible for UPF to serve as an Abel-type counterpart to the Cain-type United Nations in the Era after the Coming of Heaven. It will renew the United Nations and lead the way for millions of ambassadors for peace throughout the world who have taken up my teaching, the “Way of the Heavenly Parent,” which consists of the principles of true love and the ideal of true family. Absolutely they will fulfill Heaven’s will to re-create the world as one family under God.
Ladies and gentlemen, through the international and cross-cultural marriage Blessings that transcend religious denomination and nationality, the UPF will be in the vanguard of the great revolution to restore the original lineage of humanity, hearkening back to Adam before the Fall. Some may scoff and say that this is impossible. Yet where there is a will there is a way, especially if it is God’s Will. Please think about this: What do you think will happen if people from the United States and Russia marry across national boundaries through international and cross-cultural marriage Blessings, according to the teachings of Rev. Moon, who does God’s work on His behalf? The two nations will belong to one family under God, the eternal, absolute Lord of all creation. How could anyone harbor antagonism toward, much less point weapons at, a nation where millions of their grandchildren make their home?
Distinguished guests, you who have been called by God, the holy task of building the ideal kingdom of heaven, the sacred reign of peace on earth, is being carried out enthusiastically in all corners of the world, through the recovery of our ideal homeland and hometown. This is God’s hope for engrafting the 6.5 billion people of the world to the lineage of the true tribe. At this very moment, people are competing to hold the premiere assemblies to hear the teachings of peace and receive the marriage Blessing. In all, we will fulfill this responsibility in twelve thousand locations in one hundred eighty-five nations.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are attending a truly meaningful occasion today. Please do not miss your chance to ride on the surging currents of heavenly fortune during this important and sacred jubilee year. Take the lead in protecting and developing the realm of the oceans, which cover more than seventy percent of Earth’s surface. Where else will we access the treasure stores of natural resources by which we can resuscitate the planet Earth, fulfilling our promise to end pollution and resource depletion?
The oceanic era has begun. It represents the universal era of women. The culture of the oceanic sphere constitutes the original women’s culture, transcending all nations and crossing all oceans. To create this culture, all women need to unite in heart and take concerted action under the guidance of True Mother. You need to fulfill your mission and take the lead in overcoming every obstacle to give birth to a new civilization that transcends the Pacific Rim civilization. Please take this to heart.
On this meaningful occasion, please engrave this message in your hearts. The families of your good ancestors in heaven are already blessed. Numbering in the billions, they have come to earth today to listen to this message with you. This is because it is only through you, their descendants, that they can perfect themselves and advance to the positions of true parents, true teachers and true lords and owners.
Furthermore, they must become one in heart and body with the True Parent, the King of kings. From the original position before the Fall, they have to uphold the True Parents’ standard absolutely, take an active role in carrying out their work, and be mobilized for the creation of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven through a life of service and attendance. Please remember that the spirit world and the physical world are to unite in this way as one living entity, and move and breathe together.
There is one more special request I would like to ask of you today. Please immerse yourselves in the contents of my peace messages, to the point where you know them virtually by heart, and make them the guidelines for your life. These messages of peace are a summary of my teachings, which are contained in the more than one thousand volumes of True Parents’ speeches. God will stand at the forefront. The spirit world and the physical world will unite to protect and aid you in creating the peaceful, ideal world of God’s desire, in which you can enjoy eternal liberation and complete freedom.
Our responsibility in the Era after the Coming of Heaven
Your families now need to find their place in history by fulfilling their mission as members of the peace kingdom corps and peace kingdom police force of the Abel UN, which is advancing God’s providence in the revolutionary Era after the Coming of Heaven. History will forever remember you for leading a noble life of devotion to the wellbeing of humanity and world peace. I am now developing globally the peace kingdom corps and the peace kingdom police force, which I founded. Who else but you and your family can stand at the forefront of these two organizations under the banner of UPF, the Abel UN?
Ladies and gentlemen gathered from different nations, at this critical juncture in human history, what will you do to complete the providence of building God’s homeland? It is to be the culmination of history. Will you live foolishly for the rest of your life, based on extreme selfishness and individualism, in vain pursuit of your own comfort and self-interest?
Whether you like it or not, you are now called by Heaven. You will be guided under the shining banner of the Abel UN, which was proclaimed before heaven and earth and launched on September 23, 2007. You, therefore, need to work quickly to complete the reformation of the existing United Nations and also fulfill the mission of the Abel UN. In this way, we will unfold God’s ideal of creation in politics, economics, culture and education, with God’s realm of heart as the axis.
No nation can be exempt from this. All the blockages and barriers are to break down before the heavenly fortune of the conjoined jubilee years of 2007 and 2008, the seventh and eighth years of Cheon Il Guk. Please become the owners of the era of God’s realm of heart, by inheriting the foundation of victory brought by the True Parents of Heaven and Earth. With our own hands, we will surely build God’s homeland.
Do not forget that democracy is a philosophy of brotherhood. Democracy serves a transitional role in reaching the age of true parents and true families, the era of the civilization of God’s heart. So quickly take a revolutionary leap over the hill of democracy.
Esteemed leaders, there is one more thing you need to know. From a providential viewpoint, the Universal Peace Federation is in the position of Abel, and another new organization, representing the secular world, the Family Party, is in the position of Cain. Those who are running for office in the eighteenth general election campaign in Korea will have to inherit the tradition of the True Parents, who have already obtained a cosmic level victory.
The Abel UN was established with the participation of one hundred ninety-four nations. In order to allow the Republic of Korea to fulfill its role as the homeland on this stage, all of you need to be active in the forthcoming presidential, congressional and local elections. Help decide the county heads, mayors, governors and so forth, and also the appointment of government officials. Please succeed in this. Your task is to bring all political parties in each nation together as one, so that we can regain our homeland on earth through public servants who represent God.
I have proclaimed and launched the Korea-Japan undersea tunnel and Bering Strait bridge-tunnel projects before Heaven. Please succeed in these projects as owners who have accomplished True Parents’ will and who support the goal of regaining the homeland.
Cheon Il Guk and the Abel UN stand as Abel. The United States and the existing United Nations stand as Cain. These two sides can create a cosmic equilibrium when they are bound together as one. All of you need to become one in heart and body with God, the great King of kings, who is the axis, with the True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace, and with their special representatives. You have to complete the creation of the original garden of Eden, which is untainted by the Fall; that is, you have to complete the building of our homeland.
Ladies and gentlemen, each of the entities that exist in this universe, regardless of size, originated from a single source. This is not easily perceived because all relationships were severed and human beings fell into ignorance due to the Fall. However, all things of creation, including the sun, wish to live in the realm of true love, within the realm of the true lineage. This realm is a world in which every entity creates a sphere of resonance, and in which everything lives for the sake of the other according to its own standard and form while attending the True Parents and True Family.
Ladies and gentlemen, through the Fall, Adam and Eve yielded their spiritual and physical bodies to Satan. Jesus lost his physical body through the tribulation of the cross, although he blazed the path for all humankind to save the spiritual body by achieving spiritual resurrection after the victory of the forty-day resurrection period. From this standpoint, this helicopter accident has tremendous providential significance. Amid an all-out attack by Satan, True Parents obtained the complete, substantial victory, both spiritual and physical, and enabled three generations of the True Family, which had been lost in the history of the providence, to be restored and firmly established without shedding a drop of blood.
On that unforgettable day, July 19, the day of the helicopter accident, rebirth was completed. On the twentieth day after the accident, August 7, the anniversary of Chil Pal Jeol, resurrection was completed. Now it is the fortieth day following the accident, and as we conclude this victoriously, I am proclaiming the day of the perfection of eternal life. I proclaim the new day of eternal life, on which we can sing praises of eternal liberation and complete freedom by opening up a new heaven and earth, the final ideal realm of the providence centered on God.
January 13, 2013, which promises a new time and a new nation, is coming. Let us march on toward the day of the nation of Cheon Il Guk, the substantial kingdom of peace in which we may enjoy the eternal jubilee year by preserving God’s lineage and complete Blessing and by attending the original God as the Parent of all humankind.
May God’s blessings and grace be upon you, your families, and the divine task of regaining our homeland! Aju!
Thank you very much!