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Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: Episode 263

Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches
Book 6: The Role of Women in Creating the Ideal World
Speech 11: Opening, Inheriting and Fulfilling the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, pg 956-959

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Opening, Inheriting and Fulfilling the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

March 4, 2012 Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea
Women’s Federation for World Peace Convention 
(True Mother’s speech)

My beloved Women’s Federation for World Peace members and most honorable women leaders for peace:

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to God and Rev. Moon for the great success of this Convention to Open, Inherit and Fulfill the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, held today in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Federation for World Peace. At the same time, I would like to convey my grateful heart to all of you.

The twenty years of WFWP

The Women’s Federation for World Peace was founded in April of 1992 as a central organization of the women’s peace movement, in accordance with the Will of Heaven, by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and me at the Seoul Olympic Stadium in Jamshil. It accompanied the declaration of the Advent of the Global Era of Women, attended by representative women from over seventy nations and one hundred and fifty thousand Korean women leaders.

We did not intend this Federation to be a women’s organization typical of this world. It does not aim to be an external, political and combative women’s rights movement mainly targeting men, advocating expansion of women’s rights, gender equality, and working place rights. Rather, it is oriented by providence and designed to realize God’s ideal of creation.

During the past twenty years, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, founded with such providential significance and guided by maternal love, has carried out various services and educational programs in all parts of the global village. These are to firmly establish families of true love that elevate women’s value. Consequently we have achieved amazing growth and development in the world.

From the early days of the Federation, I have conducted speaking tours across continents and nations to prepare the ground for the global activities of WFWP. Moreover, I mobilized all WFWP members around the world, including one thousand six hundred Japanese members who went to one hundred sixty nations as volunteers. At the founding rally of WFWP, Rev. Moon gave a founding message, the gist of which was, “Now, under True Mother who has triumphed as the historic representative of women in the world, women need to establish the model of true mother and true wife and form ideal families through the true love movement. Furthermore, women have to carry out the model of true love in a campaign of living for the sake of others in all fields of endeavor, including government, economy, culture, and social service.” Accordingly, we have carried out volunteer activities and educational programs as well as campaigns to bring about the resolution of international conflicts and reconciliation transcending the barriers of race, religion, language and nationality.

After three years of hard work, capped by an address I gave in the United Nations Headquarters, New York, in September 1993, led the United Nations Economic and Social Council to grant WFWP general consultative status, the highest recognition given nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). I am delighted to tell you that, since then, the re-evaluations held every four years, which entail a strict assessment of activities and achievements, regularly confirm our status. I believe it is clear that the UN recognizes our true value. Of the more than three thousand four hundred UN NGOs, only one hundred forty are awarded this highest status.

In particular, WFWP has carried out various local projects in all parts of the world to realize the UN’s Millennium Development Goals instituted at the beginning of the new millennium. Those projects have taken root and are bearing fruit in nations and communities. Consequently, governments are recognizing and supporting WFWP, and this is truly encouraging.

The Middle East Women Leaders Peace Council, which has been hosted every year since 1997 under my guidance, has attracted interest and participation from women leaders of the nations in the Middle East. Now it has expanded and developed into a more concrete, wide ranging WFWP campaign. Moreover, bringing women leaders of the Middle East to the center of activities carried out for human rights and peace, going beyond religious barriers, is a truly remarkable achievement.

Construction of a peaceful world

Each year from the year 2000, we have hosted the World Women Leaders Workshop at beautiful meeting places in different continents. Here, participants share their first hand experience from all corners of the global village, their wisdom, and their vision for the future, including ways to proceed in healthy cooperation. Taking it a step further, the different continents and countries including Korea, the WFWP International Headquarters, Japan, the United States, the UN Secretariat, Asia, Europe, Canada, Central and South America, Africa and Oceania are developing and carrying out various projects adapted to the needs of their locale. I am proud of and grateful to them all.

Furthermore, we are actively conducting relief aid work to resolve the problems of natural calamities and poverty in various parts of the globe. In particular, under the slogan, “Let us share a little of what we have,” we are carrying out the “1% Love Share Project” to help the children and women in North Korea with good results. Moreover, through several effective enterprises, including specialized local businesses to support WFWP in their communities, we are keenly realizing that the power of women is changing societies and achieving amazing results in the creation of a peaceful world.

Above all, the Peace Leaders Invitational Divine Principle Seminar, held more than thirty times, helps women leaders realize their divinity. It presents them with vital insights regarding the proper direction for their lives.

The program has deeply moved many leaders and helped them fulfill their potential.

As can be seen, our members have maintained their determination, pioneering the path of women’s peace with quiet forbearance and an unchanging heart from the federation’s founding in Seoul to the highest level of the UN. Therefore, I would like to give a big round of applause to express my infinite gratitude and love to the women leaders who have never failed to offer their encouragement and participation.

Beloved Women’s Federation for World Peace members and women leaders for peace!

What is the path that people must take today? Even now tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, whether religion, politics, education, culture or philosophy, from the individual to the world, people are deeply mired in the swamps of self-centered egoism, isolated by impenetrable barriers. We now live on a planet brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down.

Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of “One Family Under God,” in other words, a teaching based on true love, which my husband and I, the True Parents, learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. is is because it is the only way for people to find the path toward peace and happiness.

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