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Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: Episode 173

Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches
Book 4: The True Family Movement
Speech 11: God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World, pg 609-612

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After creating Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, God intended to marry them through His holy Blessing and bequeath to them Heaven’s right of ownership. God wanted Adam and Eve to inherit from God the ownership of the entire universe. Because of the Fall, however, all this fell under Satan’s control. God is like a father who worked and sweated his entire life to accumulate assets for his children, only to have a thief steal everything in one night.

Who can comprehend the sorrowful, painful heart of God? God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over ownership of the nations and world to Satan. There was only one way to recover this lineage and ownership. This was the path to win the natural subjugation of Satan, which means to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplishing this? This can happen only by the power of true love, by loving our enemies more than we love our own children.

Was there ever a time when God, as our True Father and True Mother, could rejoice with human beings, enjoying the natural bonds of parent and child? Has God enjoyed even a year of comfort with His children, knowing that what He created was good? The answer is no. God has not enjoyed this even for one hour. And has anyone been able to comfort God in this pain? Again, no, because no one knew the reason for this unbridgeable gap between God and humankind. No one has known why God and humanity are in such a tragic circumstance.

The biblical account of Cain and Abel reveals the beginnings of human conflict right in Adam’s family. It provides the archetype for humankind’s unending history of struggle, war and conflict. We are conflicted on many levels, beginning with the war between body and mind within each individual, extending to wars between nations, and culminating in the global conflict between materialism and theism. Extreme selfish individualism threatens our prosperity even today. We deem young people to be the hope of humanity, holding the promise of the future, yet drugs and free sex enslave them. Advanced countries seem to believe that material goods are all that matter. They recognize only their own interests while ignoring the misery of tens of thousands who die of starvation every day.

Who can untie this ancient knot of Cain and Abel? It has been tightened for thousands of years and grows ever more tangled. Do you think the United Nations can do it? The UN at its founding proclaimed a movement for world peace, and for sixty years it has dedicated itself to this task; yet world peace still remains far distant. Peace among nations can never come when those entrusted with the task have not resolved the Cain-Abel relationship between their own mind and body. Therefore, the time has come to launch an Abel-type UN that will set its course according to God’s will. God eagerly anticipated that someone would come and resolve these tragedies, yet no such person appeared on earth. God waited and waited, looking for anyone who would take on the role of the True Parent. If someone had come forward, I am certain that God would have appeared in his dreams, carried the sun and moon to him, and showered forth lightning of joy and thunder of ecstasy from the heavens.

In this sense, it is a miracle of miracles that for the first time in history a man has succeeded in establishing the position of Adam, securing the position of the owner of true love, and received God’s anointing as the True Parent of humanity. It is an amazing fact that his lifetime coincides with yours, and that you and he breathe the same air. I gained victory in the position of the horizontal True Parent, who comes to rescue fallen humanity. On that foundation, on January 13, 2001, I dedicated to Heaven the Enthronement Ceremony for Kingship of God. Through that ceremony I liberated and released God, the vertical True Parent who has taken responsibility for the Providence of Restoration. In all of history, this was the highest and greatest blessing humanity has ever received. This victory was absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Through this absolute providential victory, God’s body and mind are completely liberated!

Respected leaders! Our bondage to the lineage of Satan has caused much suffering throughout history. Let us now boldly step forth to sever it and be grafted onto the root of the lineage of the True Parents. Why would we foolishly continue to live and die as wild olive trees? A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees. Where can we find the path to escape this vicious cycle? It is through the holy Blessing.

The Blessing ceremony offers the grace of being grafted onto the true olive tree. It was inaugurated through the True Parents, who bring God’s true lineage to humankind. Once you change your lineage to God’s lineage, your offspring will belong to God’s lineage naturally. The holy Blessing is received in three stages: resurrection, rebirth, and eternal life. Once you receive the True Parents’ Blessing, you can give birth to pure, sinless offspring and build an ideal family.

The best way to receive the Blessing is with someone from another race, nationality or religion. I call this an “exchange marriage.” This contributes to the enormous task of transcending the barriers of race, culture, ethnicity and religion and creating one family of humankind. In God’s sight, skin color makes no difference. God does not stand behind the barriers of religion and culture. They are nothing more than the devil’s tricks. The devil has used them to rule over humanity as a false parent for tens of thousands of years.

Imagine two enemy families who have cursed each other throughout their lives, people who would never dream of living together. What would happen if these families joined together through an exchange holy marriage Blessing? Would the parents of two such families curse their son and daughter who became husband and wife, who loved each other and built a happy home? If their son were to love this beautiful daughter of a hated enemy, and she were to become their daughter-in-law and give birth to Heaven’s grandchildren as pure and clear as crystal, the grandparents would smile with pleasure. In time the lineages once soaked with enmity would be transformed.

What method other than exchange marriage will empower whites and blacks, Jews and Muslims, Asians and westerners, and people of all races to live as one human family? The ideal family is the model for living together in peace. The ideal family is the nest where we live and learn to become one. There we have the foundation of love and respect between parents and children, shared trust and love between husband and wife, and mutual support among siblings. For this fundamental reason, you need to receive the holy marriage Blessing from the True Parents and establish Heaven’s tradition of ideal families. Let me reiterate: To resemble God, the original Being of true love, we need to become the owners of true love. We must embody true love and practice it in order to develop our character. This is the way each of us can become true parents.

Then, what is a life of true love? True love is the spirit of public service. It brings the peace that is at the root of happiness. Selfish love is a mask for the desire to have one’s partner exist for one’s own sake; true love is free of that corruption. Rather, its essence is to give, and to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, as with a filial son who gains his greatest satisfaction in helping his parents. God created the universe out of just such love—absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal—investing everything without any expectation or condition of receiving anything in return.

True love is the wellspring of the universe. Once a person possesses it, true love makes him or her the center and the owner of the universe. True love is the root of God and a symbol of God’s will and power. When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually increasing in the joy of each other’s company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissipate the barriers fallen human beings have created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion.

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