Mother of Peace: Episode 61
Mother of Peace: And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes
A Memoir by Hak Ja Han Moon
Chapter 10: The Challenge Of Realizing A Heavenly World, pg 299-303
The Cape of Good Hope and righteous hyojeong
On the southern tip of the African continent lies the Cape of Good Hope. My husband and I chose that as the starting point of our proposed International Peace Highway. As the Mother of peace, I need to give hope to the people of Africa and wipe away their tears. At the Holy Wedding of True Parents in 1960, I pledged to God, “I will accomplish Your will in my lifetime,” and I have not forgotten this pledge for a moment. I have constantly spread God’s word from east to west and south to north with a heart of filial piety for Heaven. In 2012, after my husband’s ascension, I bade him farewell with the words “Please put all earthly work behind you and peacefully enter the heavenly gates to comfort our Heavenly Parent.”
From that time, despite having to push myself beyond my limits, I took on an exhausting agenda, traveling the globe to fulfill the promise I had made to Heaven and my husband. With my husband’s ascension, it was left to me to accomplish God’s desire and ideal, and I have embarked on a tearful journey for that cause. For the past seven years, I have journeyed on.
Creating a heavenly tribe, a heavenly nation and a heavenly world centered on God is not simple. In my resolve to restore seven countries by 2020, I spent countless hours in prayer and devotion. My late husband lived by the mantra that “sincere devotion moves heaven” and we felt the results. Many received inspiration from Heaven, including Dr. Yun Young-ho, then secretary-general of FFWPU International Headquarters. In July 2017, he received a revelation in which Father Moon gave him three golden keys.
At that time, Dr. Yun was preparing for several events simultaneously, including Europe’s Peace Starts with Me Rally of Hope in Vienna, Austria, and the Latin America Summit 2018 in São Paulo, Brazil. After hearing his report about the dream, I invited three “golden keys,” three religious leaders, to attend the upcoming Peace Starts with Me festival in the United States. The three were Sheikh Mansour Diouf of Senegal, Prophet Samuel Radebe of South Africa, and Archbishop Johannes Ndanga of Zimbabwe. During the festival in New York, we forged strong relationships that laid the foundation for what was to come.
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In January 2018, as I have mentioned previously, I traveled to Senegal for the first Africa Summit. I held the Summit in Senegal because God had prepared a righteous man there, Sheikh Mansour Diouf, a distinguished Muslim leader. Through his efforts, numerous fellow leaders, some with millions of followers, heartily welcomed me. Impressed by our ideals and initiatives, Sheikh Diouf invested himself in preparing for the Summit. Putting his reputation on the line, Sheikh Diouf encouraged His Excellency President Macky Sall to co-host the Summit. “True Mother is coming to bring blessings to Africa,” he told President Sall; “This Summit will be historic, and your support is essential.”
President Macky Sall gladly welcomed me and provided the best venue in Senegal for the Summit, the Centre International de Conferences Abdou Diouf (CICAD). In addition to his generous support, President Macky Sall also generously offered his presidential vehicle and members of his security team to protect me wherever I went.
Nonetheless, one thing remained uncertain. Even as I landed in Senegal, I had not yet received confirmation of President Sall’s participation in the Summit. On the eve of the Summit, President Sall kindly offered to have a private meeting. After receiving his warm welcome, I spoke about the history of God’s providence, Heaven’s providence in Africa, my identity as only begotten Daughter and my wish to bless the nation and continent. After hearing me, President Sall said, “I’ll attend tomorrow’s Summit.”
Following our meeting, I was told that President Sall was moved by the sincerity with which I wished to bless Africa and bring salvation to humankind, and by my lack of desire for honor, power or profit. I cannot verify that anecdotal report, but it is consistent with my experience of President’s Sall’s exemplary leadership and gallantry. The government was mobilized for the Summit, and the Summit was broadcast live throughout the nation on national television and reported by national and international media. I spoke without a prepared speech on Heaven’s providence and the African Continent, and concluded my address by proclaiming Heavenly Africa, a continent of hope blessed by Heaven, and inviting everyone present to join this initiative. President Sall later expressed his desire to work together.
* * *
The following summer, in June 2019, I visited Johannesburg, South Africa, to officiate at the 100,000 Hyojeong Family Blessing Festival.
Prophet Samuel Radebe’s and my team worked together for this Blessing. More than 500 dignitaries—government officials, members of parliament and religious leaders from across Africa, including 12 current and former presidents and prime ministers—joined the event to support the True Family Movement. During the Blessing Prayer, I prayed that the continent of Africa, together with the 100,000 people in attendance, would form a Heavenly Africa, a light unto the world.
Prophet Radebe is the founder of the Revelation Church of God and Inkululeko Yesizwe, both major religious organizations with millions of followers throughout Africa. Prophet Radebe comes from a long line of Prophets well known throughout Africa. During the Blessing, he testified to me, “South Africa, and Africa as a whole, welcomes Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who has devoted her whole life to the cause of peace as True Mother, the only begotten Daughter of God.” The entire nation was in a festive mood as the South African public television network, SABC, broadcast the Blessing event.
I’ll share some background on this Blessing. The previous November, as I mentioned earlier, I had hosted a Summit and Blessing in Cape Town to celebrate the centenary of Nelson Mandela’s birth. At that time, Prophet Radebe was in Mozambique launching a new church. After Dr. Yun Young-ho spoke with him and expressed my heartfelt desire to meet him, Prophet Radebe immediately rented a plane and flew to Cape Town, arriving just in time for the Blessing. When we met in the green room, I poured out my heart, explaining God’s ideal of creation and God’s providence of salvation for humankind, including the Fall, the providence of True Parents and the only begotten Daughter. I felt that Prophet Radebe was moved by my words. He called me “True Mother” and during his keynote address, even though our theological frameworks are different, testified about me as the only begotten Daughter that Heaven has prepared.
After that Blessing, Dr. Yun laid out my vision to him: “True Mother would like to host a 100,000-person Blessing Ceremony next year.” Prophet Radebe gladly replied, “Let’s do it!” I felt that Prophet Radebe understood why I came to Africa: to give blessing. Eager to work together and help the flower of true love blossom in the continent, Prophet Radebe prepared meticulously for the June 2019 Blessing Ceremony at Orlando Stadium. From the hotel where I stayed to the airport welcome, Prophet Radebe invested himself and his entire foundation to welcome me and prepare for the Blessing Ceremony.