Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 375

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk
Chapter 1: The Enthronement and Coronation Ceremonies
Section 5: Cosmic Assemblies for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind Who, as God's Embodiment, Proclaim the Word, Paragraph 09-17

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9  The Parent of the Cosmos is the incorporeal God, and the Parents of Heaven and Earth are the substantial Parents. Only when these two sets of parents unite as one, can they become the personal Parents and then go on to become the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Unless God becomes a personal God, He cannot become the True Parent. God needs to become a personal God so that He can assume a body and give birth to sons and daughters.

10  The Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are, to put it simply, the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind throughout the cosmos. God, the Parent of the Cosmos, needs to become human beings —man and woman, and this man and woman need to become the True Parents of humankind. In other words, these human beings need to become God's body, become the visible God, God in visible substantial form. Likewise, God also needs to assume the bodies of these human beings. That is why the True Parents naturally inherit the names of the incorporeal Parent of the Cosmos and the corporeal Parents of Heaven and Earth. By emerging victorious from battles with the spirit world and going through the process of restoration to be in accord with God, the Parents of Heaven and Earth can become one with the Parent of the Cosmos and become the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind throughout the cosmos.

11  The Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are the union of the incorporeal substantial form of the Parent of the Cosmos and corporeal substantial forms of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, living together in joy centering on love. The husband and wife who attend the spiritual God and the God of substance become the ancestors of humankind. There cannot be two sets of ancestors. There cannot be two sets of parents. No matter what, there can be only one. There is one father, one mother, one set of ancestors, one set of grandchildren.

Human beings are to resemble God and manifest God's mind and body. It is for this that they were given substantial forms. Only by having physical bodies can they procreate. Having physical bodies, the family of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind has the mission to bequeath everything they achieved to the citizens of heaven's nation, giving birth to them and raising them as sons and daughters free of the flaws of the Fall and restoration. They must secure the foundation for these children to build the kingdom of heaven here on earth. Then everyone can enter the kingdom of heaven in heaven directly from earth.

12  Blessed families need to go through eight stages, revolutionizing themselves by paying indemnity, revolutionizing themselves through their conscience, and entering the realm of one heart. You need to attain the positions of the king and queen on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos to become the object partners of God in substantial form, giving and receiving with Him both horizontally and vertically.

I am scattering you as seeds here on earth to bear fruit in the heavenly world. You are sown as seeds to grow in this world so that you can become fruit in the heavenly world. You will be the fruit of love, stored in the barn of the kingdom of heaven in heaven. The earthly world is the place where you make preparations to enter this barn. Therefore, unless the earthly world is perfected, the heavenly world cannot be perfected.

I am saying that this is what you must do as owners of Cheon Il Guk. This is how you can inherit everything that the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth have fulfilled. You need to become the kings and queens among filial children and the kings and queens among patriots. Heaven is expecting you to attain such a position. You need to stay firmly in that position to achieve the eternal age of peace and prosperity. You have to liberate the fatherland. Only then can the era of liberation come.

13  All beings resemble God. They were created so in order to realize the substantial realm of God's love with True Parents. That is why God, who is spirit, and the embodiments of God need to become one. To establish this substantial realm of God's love, I have worked so hard and for so long. I faced opposition at each of the eight levels, including the individual, family, tribe, people and nation, but I did not break. Instead, my opponents were broken. They stepped forward to oppose me in the realm based on self-centered awareness, but I advanced in the realm based on awareness of others. I totally invested myself without thinking of myself. That is how I could sever all bonds with the fallen world and bring God to settle in my body.

Therefore, you need to go through the eight levels, from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos, and bring God to settle in your body. You need to resemble God centering on the family of the holy Son and Daughter. Moreover, you need to inherit the form of True Parents' family by re-experiencing everything from the womb to marriage and inheriting God's realm of heart. In this way you can complete the form of True Parents' family and enter God's kingdom.

14  In the age of God's embodiments, it is not enough for you to know only about the body. You also need to know how your body embodies God Himself. The age of God's embodiments is the age after the original Garden of Eden is restored. It is the age free from the Fall that recovers the age before Satan came into existence. It is the age when the angelic world moves at Adam and Eve's command. It is the age in which everything moves as God wills. You just cannot go against His desires. Only when you become sons and daughters who live as His object partners, can you form an eternal parent-child relationship with Him.

15  Heavenly Father, we need to indemnify the age of restoration of the Garden of Eden on the family level by 2012 and guide people to be registered in the kingdom of heaven. By centering on the Fourth Israel, may You unite the realms of nations and religions. By centering on True Parents, may the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind settle, and the incorporeal substantial world and the corporeal substantial world unite as one. Through this, may the settlement of heaven, earth and humankind take place, whereby human beings in the liberated worlds of heaven and earth bring everything to perfection and fruition.

Now we can realize the ideal of the kingdom of heaven, where people living in the kingdom on earth can go directly to the kingdom in heaven. The time when all this can be achieved has come. Now we can march forward to the world of harmony and unity, where everything we have proclaimed is in accord with Your Will, Heavenly Father. It is all being realized; in particular the teaching of the oneness of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

16  In a God-centered family there is secure settlement for everyone. In such a family, everyone will be peaceful and happy. They will have no concerns or worries. People will no longer talk about utopia as an unreachable ideal. All you will need to do is to live your life, and you will achieve everything. Therefore, in your prayer from now on, you will be able to confidently report, “The time for gaining liberation and complete freedom is over. From now on, I will live in peace and prosperity in a time of secure settlement.”

17  Secure settlement means to be peaceful and happy forever without conflict. It signifies the age of peace and prosperity, a utopian world. Can the age of peace and prosperity come when our body and mind are struggling with each other? No, it cannot.

So, returning to the basics, you need to believe unconditionally that my words are right, stand firm where you are, and say, “This is how I am. Even if heaven and earth change and the sun falls out of the sky, I will not change.” You have to say, "Even if natural catastrophes take place in heaven and on earth, I will not change.” Shooting stars streak through the sky. Even the sun's fall would be very rapid, but you, unchanging, have to stand above all such phenomena. The age of peace and prosperity can come only when you are securely settled. It is not a realm of personal existence. It is a realm that transcends history. The ideal world of happiness comes about only when all people usher in the age of peace and prosperity on behalf of God. It will be a utopian world. There is nothing better.

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