Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 364

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk
Chapter 1: The Enthronement and Coronation Ceremonies
Section 1: The Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, Foundation for the ceremony
Section 1: The Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, Paragraph 14

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Foundation for the ceremony

In order to prepare the foundation for the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, True Parents proclaimed the Return of the Oceans to God, the Return of the Land to God and the Return of the Cosmos to God. On September 26, 2000, they held the Unification Blessing Ceremony for the Registration of the Four-Position Foundation at the Transition of the Three Ages. In this, True Parents acted by the authority of kingship to set up registration into the kingdom of heaven.

Prior to this, on June 13, 1998, at the first phase of the 360 Million Couples Blessing, True Parents gave the Blessing to both the greatest saints and the worst criminals in history, treating them equally. This made a foundation for the spiritual world and the physical world to become one and for hell to be abolished. Further, on August 18, 2000, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, True Father proclaimed that national boundaries should be abolished. This meant that the foundation was prepared for people to register in the kingdom of heaven.

7  Heavenly Father, we have now come to the point in our global ocean enterprise, which we started in 1963, where we anticipate reaching the summit. In all of human history, there had never been a son or daughter who was able to embrace and love the sea from the perspective of a true owner. But True Parents appeared and with this in mind traversed the five oceans in order to fulfill true ownership. For that purpose, in Kodiak, Alaska, which is within the oceanic realm, we conducted the Ceremony for the Settlement of the Eight Stages and proclaimed Heavenly Parentism, always placing You at the center. These are events that Unification Church members can never forget. That ceremony and the proclamation that followed was a big leap toward revolutionizing the foundations of world history and resolving the world's chaos.

Now here in Kodiak, with today's Proclamation of the Return of the Oceans to God, we are connecting the realms of the land and sea, so that the Lord of heaven, the Lord of the sea, and the Lord of the land will be joined as one.

8  Heavenly Father, having declared the return of the oceans to You, today on June 24, 2000, in Korea, I decided to connect North and South America. Now from the Korean Peninsula to the southernmost part of Asia, I am able to return to You the land, connecting all six continents together. On this day, in the name of True Parents, I proclaim before heaven and earth that by returning the oceans and continents to You, the land and sea that existed in the original Garden of Eden, made according to Your original ideal, have been reconnected before the Parents of Heaven and Earth.

9  Heavenly Father, we, True Parents, took a boat out from Jiguido Island, near Jeju Island. While looking at Mt. Halla, we connected the mountains to the plains, beyond Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Everest in the Himalayas. By so doing, we made the final condition to return to You the realms of the ocean and the land, and we have made that proclamation. It was for this purpose that I came to Korea. Here, at Jiguido, representing Jeju Island, I proclaim before You, Heavenly Father, and before the entire universe, all these connections we have made. Please remember this day. Although I could not complete all my plans by June 2000, I established more than 80 percent of the conditions, and through this, You have gained the authority to move all things in the world to the supreme position of victory with absolutely no ties to Satan. It is a victory You long hoped to achieve, and which You pursued with resolute determination.

Upholding this based on True Parents' relational standard, I proclaim that this world will transition into the realm of liberation on the basis of this ceremony, at this hour of returning all things in the cosmos to You.

10  On September 26, 2000, we held an event entitled, 'Unification Blessing Ceremony for the Registration of the Four-Position Foundation at the Transition of the Three Ages.' The title refers to the realm of the Blessing that opens a great transition from the past three ages of human history to a new age of oneness. In this new age you need to register your four-position foundation in God's kingdom in order to enter the realm of oneness formed by this transition and registration. Indeed, it is the age of transition. Only when you are registered will you enter the realm of oneness. The realm of oneness created through registration in this age encompasses both the spiritual world and the physical world.

The four-position foundation must come first. God's Will, the ideal of creation, is fulfilled through the perfection of the four-position foundation. The perfection of the four-position foundation is accomplished by loving others and attending God. The four-position foundation takes root in such a place. This is the formula.

11 We are treating the greatest saints and the worst murderers equally by giving both the Blessing, so that the spiritual world and physical world can become one and hell can be abolished. All the divisions in the spirit world, such as between paradise and other realms, must be removed so that all can return to one even level.

As part of our earnest efforts to make the Blessing global in scope, I proclaimed at the United Nations that national borders should be dissolved. Therefore, on December 3, which was before the end of the year 2000, I issued a proclamation declaring the abolition of paradise and the opening of registration in the kingdom of heaven to all. We as True Parents declared the abolition of paradise and hell because these realms stemmed from the false parents. We made the conditions to liquidate these realms by successfully surmounting the hill of indemnity. If we had not been successful in abolishing paradise and hell, it would be impossible to enthrone God as King.

12  Heavenly Father, beginning today, December I of this historic year of 2000, we are making preparations to usher in the year marking the beginning of the new millennium. On this day, having surmounted the hill of bitter sorrow in the heavenly and earthly worlds, and having completed the period for resolving everything in history, we will begin to lay the foundation for the perfection of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos centered on love, in order to bring about the ideal world that You envisioned at the time of the creation.

We have set the date for this new beginning as January 13, 2001, 43 days from today. We designate this 43-day period as a time to make all the needed preparations to celebrate Your enthronement to the position of the King of all families, the King of all nations, the King of the world and the King of all kings. It will be the day when You can proclaim that liberation has come, because everything has been resolved, including the bitter sorrow that You have harbored in Your heart. As we have determined that the day on which we will enthrone You, Father, is 43 days from today, and as we make this proclamation about that day, may You help us step over the realm of death and leap into the world of liberation.

We would like to express our gratitude to You for the grace of allowing us to usher in this era when we can establish Your supremacy. We are grateful that we could receive this heavenly fortune based on the family-level Blessings that True Parents needed to spread throughout the world in order to fulfill the ideal of oneness before You, the Father of all humankind. From this day forth, centered on the Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground and Victory Holy Ground, please allow us to make all the necessary preparations during these coming 43 days to take this giant step forward for You.

13  When the first human ancestors became the false human ancestors, they created hell, overturning God's kingship and everything good. True Parents and the blessed families of the Unification Church need to set things straight and attend God in His rightful position as the true King. With this authority, God will bequeath to True Parents what is needed to recover the ideals of His family, His world and His cosmos. The condition to enable this is the Total Living Offering. Without making this condition, people cannot claim ownership of anything whatsoever, including their nations. So without making this condition, anyone who possesses title to anything is in violation.

For the absolute God to have the authority of kingship, He should be sovereign over everything, but He lost even love and lineage. How can we attend God in order to see to His enthronement? First we have to solve the issues of love and lineage. Then we have to enthrone Him with representatives of all nations of the world showing their support. When this happens, God will be able to exercise all His power—His omnipresent authority and power. Thus, hell, Satan's world and Satan's lackeys will be completely cleaned away in an instant.

Who will perform the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship? Can True Parents do it alone? We need to do it centered on the registered blessed families.

14   Despite undergoing persecution throughout my life, I laid the foundation of victory by going through the eight stages: the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos and God. Achieving this has liberated God. My last remaining task is to save my enemies. Then the ideal of creation will be fulfilled. Through True Parents, North Korea will be saved, and the conflict between Palestine and Israel will be resolved. The United States does not want to be involved in continual conflicts between Israel and Palestine. However, I have embraced the world of Islam. I have forgiven and saved the United States, although it acted as my enemy by sending me to prison. I embraced everyone who persecuted me. I have no enemies. Not in the realms of Christianity or Islam, not among black people or white people, not even among those in hell do I have an enemy. I stand on the foundation of the unfallen, original family in which all people are brothers and sisters.

In this way we liberated God, and God now has His overall authority. At this point, I am going to recover even His throne. This is why on January 13, 2001, we will enthrone God as the King. The false parent Satan usurped God's throne. True Parents will recover it and create God's kingdom on earth. It will be a world of peace.

True Parents and blessed families now have the privilege of bringing God back to His throne. Once God is on His throne, when people enter heaven, they will not find any obstacles in their path. Likewise, on earth we should be able to win over the United Nations and eliminate national boundaries to fulfill the standard of world peace, and secure that peace by giving the Blessing to couples from enemy nations.

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