Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 361

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 12: The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women's Era
Chapter 4: The Women's Federation for World Peace and True Mother's World Tours
Section 4: Workshops and Sisterhood Ceremonies for 160,000 Japanese Women, Paragraph 06-19

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6   I tried to have 700 Japanese women at a time participate in the workshop in Alaska, but the airline schedules could not accommodate this. Therefore, I am trying to use Jeju Island to educate tens of thousands, to bring 2,000 people at a time, but the airline schedules cannot accommodate our needs. If we do not prepare individuals, organizations and nations, they will all just pass by. History is heartless. Only what fits into history remains. If you want to be a part of history, you surely have to prepare beforehand.

7   One-third or even half of the Japanese sisters of the Unification Church who came to Jeju Island for the workshop had never met me before. I shed hidden tears, thinking, "I am a sinner. They live in a neighboring nation, but they have never met me before, because I have not visited them." They have followed my direction and worked hard, even on rainy and snowy days, for more than 20 years under circumstances in which they were derided and persecuted. I have to be responsible for them as their Teacher because I know all this. Therefore, I try not to live comfortably.

8   The largest number of people who gathered on Jeju Island at one time for the workshop was 4,800. The size of the training hall was half the size of this central training center in Guri. The size of the training hall on Jeju Island was 9,250 square feet, and the Guri training center is 21, 350 square feet. They attended the workshop in such a small place. It was worse than a torture chamber. As I started this workshop with them, I was thinking, "Nothing is impossible when you keep busy." I had everyone squeeze together and then sit on the floor. Was there any other method? They had to stay seated.

Those conditions became such a topic of conversation. Yet, those who participated actually said that they would like to attend such a workshop again. This has never happened before in history. When it was time to go to sleep, the stairs or wherever you fell asleep became a bed. It hardly mattered that they did not have a bed. Even a bathroom could suffice if you could fit a sleeping bag there and sleep in it. They wanted to be there so badly that to them it was better than a hotel room. Through the grapevine people were hearing that everybody must experience Jeju Island. As a result, the number of participants increased like an avalanche. That is why I said to build a training center so that we could hold workshops there.

Sisterhood ceremonies

At the Special Workshops for Japanese Woman Leaders, held from October 6, 1993, to November 20, 1994, on Jeju Island and in the city of Guri in Korea, True Father emphasized exchanges between Korea and Japan and their respective providential responsibilities. In particular, he said that Korea and Japan need to unite in order to restore Asia and the world, and taught them to love each other as siblings through the Sisterhood Ceremonies. Father said that these ceremonies were held so that "These many heavenly sisters, binding the vast world together through their countless personal connections, can be a substantial, living example of the way to create peace."

9   From the providential viewpoint, Japan and Korea are one nation. People generally might not like to hear this, but look at Europe. The European Economic Community turned into the European Union. Everything is becoming one.

The foundation for unity is women, not men. From this perspective I am holding these special workshops. This period of education is a time of great change. When participants have heart-moving experiences, they will become interested in True Parents. This is Sutaek-dong, in the city of Guri in Korea. When they have this heartfelt experience in the Sutaek-dong Training Center, they will form a deep and unforgettable relationship with this place. In addition, this is an important opportunity to hold Sisterhood Ceremonies. There could be no better chance.

Not everyone participating in the Sisterhood Ceremony is a Unification Church member. They come from various towns in Korea. Some of them came here through the Women's Federation for World Peace. The movement to unite the world has to start from the East, and the Sisterhood Ceremony is the only way to do it. Korea and Japan have to keep in step with each other while they move Asia forward; otherwise, these nations cannot survive. This is the time we are in.

10   National-level diplomacy focuses on the nation's benefit, but a non-governmental diplomat thinks about the benefit of other nations as well. If both sides can interact on the level of principle rather than of economy, both sides will benefit. If we look at it this way, the Sisterhood Ceremonies that the Unification Church is holding now are a major crisis from the point of view of Satan's world.

11  The way for the world to open is for Japan and Korea to connect through the Sisterhood Ceremony. Everyone wants this to happen. When this connection is actualized, powerful things will happen. It will stimulate interchanges of culture, philosophy and resources through the comings and goings of many people. That is why we need to hold Sisterhood Ceremonies throughout the world. If members of these connected women's families marry each other, they will become relatives.

12   Japanese women are the restored younger sister, while Korean women are the restored elder sister. Therefore, you Korean sisters have to teach them. At the very least you can take your younger sister who came to Korea out for lunch. You need to conduct Sisterhood Ceremonies. In the future you may have difficulty finding a family into which to marry your son or daughter. The sooner you do the Sisterhood Ceremony, the better the chances are that your sons and daughters can participate in a Blessing that joins the Adam nation and Eve nation, which is propitious.

13   Korea and Japan are separated and have lived through a sorrowful history for several thousand years. God, the universe, all things and history have desired a moment of meeting that would bring an end to that sorrowful history. The Sisterhood Ceremony enables you to accomplish this, and nothing is more praiseworthy. Please participate with that in mind.

Non-religious women might think, "A sisterhood ceremony should be done individually. Why do you do it with several thousand women in a stadium? What's in it for us? We should not have come here." However, when they actually perform the ceremony, they get totally excited and hug each other happily. That is a very hopeful moment. You have to hold these ceremonies throughout the world, even if it means we have to take a few hours away from the workshop to do it.

14   You have to organize nationally to receive Japanese women. After receiving them, you have to unite with them. Who should stand in front, Koreans or Japanese? Koreans are the elder sister. Koreans and Japanese were enemies in the past, but now it is not like that. Koreans have to think of the Japanese as their younger sisters living in the same house. You have to act properly, as an elder sister. For this you have to make a national organization immediately.

15   When we make sisterhood relationships between Korean and Japanese women, one is Leah and the other Rachel. Which is Leah and which is Rachel? The one born first is the older sister, and since Japan was the first to establish the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia, it took the position of Leah, the older sister. Korea was in the position of Rachel, the younger sister.

Therefore, Korean women need to restore the authority of the elder daughter. Leah and Rachel fought in Jacob's family, but now you must not fight. Leah has to put Rachel in front and unite with her, saying, "I understand your position well. I entrust everything to you. No matter what, I will attend you." The unity of heaven and earth starts with women, from the viewpoint of mother-son cooperation. This is a formula of the Principle.

16   After Korean women have restored the position of the elder sister, Japanese women take the position of the younger sister. Therefore, centering on True Mother, who has the worldwide heavenly fortune in the age of restoration in the realm of Eve, Korea has to save Japan, her younger sister. In other words, Mother has to restore Japan, which stands in the position of the second daughter, and then restore Korea in the position of the elder daughter. Mother can restore Japan as the younger daughter and thereby represent the position of the Eve nation. Then, through bringing Japan to unite with Korea in the position of the elder daughter, Mother can lead both the elder daughter and younger daughter to the bosom of God. The time for this has come. Japanese members and Korean members can become like natural brothers and sisters, but they have to love each other above all. A divided people have met after 6,000 years, so Mother has to love the Japanese more than the Koreans.

17   Now, I want to create the Women's Federation quickly so that North Koreans can participate in it too. We will have meetings in Japan that include women from North Korea living in Japan. Five hundred women from South Korea and 500 from North Korea can join together in Japan and establish an integrated movement of women. They each can take care of one family from North Korea because of North Korea's economic problems. Japanese families can give North Korean families daily necessities, such as hand-me-down clothes.

Thinking of how America aided Korea in the past, how about helping North Korea through Sisterhood Ceremonies? A foundation of one million women in Japan can connect with one million women in North Korea. If one million women connect in that way, with each woman representing four family members, the total number of people saved will be four million. If we repeat this cycle four or five times, we will save all 20 million people. Such connections need to be made from japan.

18   If 20 million women in South Korea would listen to me, 20 million people in North Korea could survive. So just open up the 38th parallel. After holding the Sisterhood Ceremony in North Korea, we can arrange for two people in South Korea to help one in the North. It would be no problem at all. Give your rice to hungry people and your extra clothing to whomever needs it. This is better than letting them starve or freeze to death. In North Korea people are living in great difficulty.

19   True Parents are planning to build condominiums, where people from four nations—Korea, Japan, Germany and the United States live together. These families can build a tradition. If four such families live like that for three years, their children will speak each other's languages, even though their parents may not. Also, when the children are at elementary school or middle school, they can study on their own by watching videos.

Many nations can hold the Sisterhood Ceremonies, and blessed families who connect with one another can tour the world anytime. The problems are the disconnected cultural backgrounds and languages. Bringing cultures and languages together is absolutely necessary for building a peaceful world.

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