Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 351

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 12: The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women's Era
Chapter 3: The Completed Testament Age and Its Providential Development
Section 2: Ceremonies of Proclamation, Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on Their Cosmic-Level Victory
Section 2: Ceremonies of Proclamation, Paragraph 20

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Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on Their Cosmic-Level Victory

14 You should have mind-body unity within yourselves. The body is horizontal and the mind is vertical. Together, they constitute an origin-division-union paradigm. However, since the body and mind are separated from God and therefore divided from each other, the Unification Church is striving to unite them. This should be our first and foremost goal in life. Achieving mind-body unity is the formation-stage origin-division-union paradigm. Achieving unity between husband and wife is the growth-stage origin-division-union paradigm, and then the unity of parents and children is the completion-stage origin-division-union paradigm.

Unless you accomplish these, you will not be able to go to heaven. Even if your family has received the Blessing, unless you attain this standard, when you go to the other world you will not be able to go to the kingdom of heaven. Instead you will go to paradise, and there you will have to go through a further course of training. You must meet these requirements even if it takes thousands of years. In that case, a family paradise would have to come into existence.

True Parents took responsibility to prevent this eventuality by clearing all the major obstacles both vertically and horizontally. Therefore, you will be able to surmount these hills as long as you center on True Parents with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. For this to happen, on June 14, 1999, I made the Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory. In doing so, I concluded everything.

15   By the Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory, I established a foundation for the existence of the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, on July 27, 1999, after traveling to South America, I created a holy ground. First, it is the Original Holy Ground; second, it is the Root Holy Ground; and third, it is the Holy Ground of Victory.

With the loss of the original holy ground in the Garden of Eden, God, True Parents and the blessed families all lost what then should have been the original holy ground, the root holy ground, and the victory holy ground. We recovered it by achieving the cosmic-level family. This is the holy ground that can bring order to history, from its beginning to its end. Therefore, in Jardim we built the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace. The kingdom of heaven begins from there. You are to go to the kingdom of heaven by receiving education there and by visiting this holy ground.

16   Heavenly Father, it's now 1:15 p.m. on June 14, 1999. On May 14, in the Pantanal, Brazil, in the name of True Parents we have already conducted the Ceremony to Proclaim the Liberation of the Cosmos, and on May 30 we proclaimed the Celebration of True Parents' East-West (Global) Victory at Belvedere. On that foundation, we are now welcoming this extraordinary and historic point in time when, based on the victorious realm of True Parents who represent heaven and earth, we can proclaim this victory celebration.

We understand that ever since the ancestors of humankind committed sin in front of You, Heavenly Father, in Your heart You have been burying all manner of sorrows, which no one could dissolve throughout history. We understand how despairing and entangled Your heart must be, having watched Satan mock, curse and revile You. Your plan was to inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, centered on the family of the original, unfallen, perfected Adam and Eve that would have formed the realm of a loving tribe bonded to Your lineage, and then would have expanded Your lineage to a loving people and a loving nation. But it ended up completely disintegrating.

However, in these Last Days, when the morals and ethics that would have characterized the perfect family of the original, unfallen Adam and Eve had vanished and the foundation of the family had completely disappeared, True Parents appeared for the first time. We came to a world that is so unlike the ideal that God wanted to complete in the Garden of Eden, with the mission to connect it to the lineage that You have envisioned through True Parents. Despite enduring all kinds of suffering from my adolescence through the prime of my life, my wife and I have spread globally the Blessing that engrafts the lineage of Your love to young people whom we have educated with the foundation of morals and ethics of God's family. Now we have come to the stage at which we are going beyond the Blessing of 400 Million Couples, which connects the five races as brothers and sisters stemming from Your one lineage and binds their hearts with sibling love.

Gu Gu Jeol (9-9 Day), the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Open the Realm of Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth

17   At 9 minutes and 9 seconds after 9 o'clock, on the 9th day of the 9th month of 1999, on my 79th birthday, I surmounted the realm of the number 9, which is Satan's number of completion. The Principle of Restoration explains that due to their relationships caused by the Fall, the realms of both heaven and earth have been in bondage to Satan. Satan blocked all levels, beginning in the womb, to infancy, youth, engagement, marriage, husband and wife, parents, grandparents, and kings nine levels in all. Humankind could not achieve the united, ideal realm, the realm where men and women connect through God's lineage. Being blocked on every level, good and evil emerged and fought in the realms of the womb, infancy, youth, engagement, marriage, husband and wife, parents, grandparents, all the way to the realm of kings. As a result, many people in the Abel realm on God's side lost their lives.

Nevertheless, unless we, as Abel, bring Cain to surrender voluntarily, and thus recover the authority of the elder son of God's kingdom, we will not be able to establish God's good lineage out of Satan's defiled lineage. This has been the work of salvation, filled with bitter pain and sorrow. It is the fundamental and mainstream path for the salvation of humankind. I discovered it because I came to the world as the True Parent.

18   The number 9 is the highest number that the false parent, Satan, can claim. That is why God should be able to subjugate the number 9. Thus in the Old Testament, God conducted providential work to claim the number 9 by setting up the condition of tithing, which is claiming one out of ten. Not only did we have to defeat the number 9, which is the highest of Satan's numbers on the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world levels, but now that True Parents have surmounted it, through our love on earth we must connect people directly to the path to the kingdom of heaven. This will happen when True Parents clear up all the issues between the earthly world and the heavenly world, and tear down the vertical and horizontal walls that have blocked people from leaving hell on earth and hell in the spirit world.

19   Heavenly Father, a full two years have passed since Chil Pal Jeol (7-8 Day), when we proclaimed the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Before entering the year 2000, we have to completely liquidate all the claims made by Satan's world. To make the transition from 1999 and welcome the 2000s, we must connect to the number 10 on the 10th day of the 9th month of 1999. This signifies realizing the world without the Fall, the original ideal of creation. It spans the earthly world and the heavenly world in all dimensions, from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation and world. We must do this to achieve the realm of liberation in heaven and on earth, the spherical world of unity that You have long sought for according to Your original Will.

On June 14, 1999, we conducted the Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory. On that foundation, today we are able to proclaim the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Open the Realm of the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth.

20  Heavenly Father, beginning on September 9, 1999, people need to absolutely obey and surrender in front of this proclamation, which is Your proclamation. Even those who have opposed You to this point need to turn 180 degrees to the direction of goodness by demonstrating absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. By doing so, they need to rectify through indemnity the failure of the archangel, who did not follow You—the Great Subject Partner—in the Garden of Eden and to restore the heavenly bond between You and Your creation with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.

Now we True Parents, as Your partners, stand before You as the Parents of Heaven and Earth, with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. You have absolute faith in all humanity and all things of creation. By Your absolute love, they will come into absolute obedience to You in accordance with Your authority of absolute liberation. Thereby, not only the archangel Lucifer but also hell will be liberated. This we proclaim on this 9-9 Day, in the name of True Parents.

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