Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 333
Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 12: The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women's Era
Chapter 1: The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Section 1: The Background and Founding of FFWPU, Background
Section 1: The Background and Founding of FFWPU, Paragraph 09
Chapter 1. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Section 1. The Background and Founding of FFWPU
True Parents proclaimed the Family Pledge on May 1, 1994, at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of HSA-UWC. Later, on October 9, they announced the establishment of the Family Federation for World Peace, and on July 30, 1996 they held its inaugural assembly in Washington, DC. On April 10, 1997, True Parents directed that our organization's official name be changed from the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. This was to clarify that the original ideal world as envisioned at the Creation comes not through religion but, rather, through ideal families.
1 The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification was established to gather the mothers, the sons and the daughters, who had fallen short in Adam's family, and lead them to the Blessing. From the family age of the Blessing we move now to the tribal age. The age of HSA-UWC was for the sake of finding Adam's family. Now we are in the course of uniting Adam's family and building the tribal-level foundation. After interconnecting the tribes we can build a national-level foundation and finally a world- level foundation. We are now in a time of great change, so the Unification Church is transforming into the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
2 The Unification Church has completed the foundation on the individual level, and after establishing the family, tribe and people we need to settle one nation, the nation of the united world. If the Unification Church can help guide the United Nations, everything will be done. It is important to achieve the unification of North and South Korea, and also to unite the Adam and Eve nations. That time will come. I proclaimed "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age" because the family of the original Adam has appeared as the worldwide representative family that no one can oppose, no matter where in the world it goes. Thus, we are able to begin the movement to unite the global family horizontally with True Parents' family in the subject partner position. By substantially forming the heavenly individual, family, tribe, people and nation on earth, we can realize the original kingdom of heaven.
Jesus tried to accomplish on the national level what was lost in Adam's family. In the present age that mission has expanded to the world level. Therefore, in the age of the Second Advent, True Parents come to guide this world, which is the extension of the false parents, through the door they have opened to the new world. Until now, we have been working to separate humankind from Satan by paying indemnity conditions. We can advance through this door by organizing families in the heavenly way. Once such families are organized, the formation of the tribe, people, nation and world can be done naturally. We are in such a time.
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the HSA-UWC, I have founded the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification as the way to welcome this time.
3 Do not feel sorry over the disappearance of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Instead, praise the establishment of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Until now the focus has been on individual salvation, but now the salvation of the family, the relatives and the nation will be accomplished. This is inevitable. Now we have entered the Completed Testament Age, the age of home church. There was no family in the Old and New Testament Ages.
Therefore, the Family Federation is necessary. It is a religion of a higher dimension. After the foundation for the family is connected with the whole of humankind, it automatically expands to the tribal home church, the national home church and the global home church. The kingdom of heaven and the ideal family exist here. The ideal tribe, the ideal nation, the ideal world, the ideal cosmos, and God's ideal for the creation have been fulfilled on earth and in heaven. Everything is finished. Finally, even God has been liberated.
4 Even though we may start small, we have to end in a heavenly way. There is nothing to lose. So far, I have established the Federation for World Peace, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, and the Women's Federation for World Peace. Now I am leading them to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Thus, even your sons and daughters will come and follow. Having the family as a model centering on love, we can finalize everything.
We must make the place of settlement for the ideal of creation, where both man and woman can reside. We carved the principled path out of a history of conflict by completing the foundation where even children can settle. I have built the road with numerous bridges that all human beings must cross. Families naturally will reach the destination.
5 When I created the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, the term "Christianity," used in the former name, Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity was removed. Only by centering on the Old and New Testaments could the Completed Testament be established. The Completed Testament Age was to begin with the Returning Lord re-creating on earth the model that could not be achieved in Jesus' time. Taking responsibility for the Old and New Testament Ages, he had to set conditions that Satan could not accuse. Enduring Christian opposition, there was no other way than to carry them on his back.
6 Before Adam and Eve fell, their bodies belonged to God. Their love also belonged to God. They were owned by God. In the future, they also would come to possess the realm of heart centering on heaven. Accordingly, before you marry you must restore the lineage, the realm of heart, and ownership. It is the general rule that you marry only after doing that.
If I had talked about this 40 years ago, there would have been rumors that I swallow young people whole, without a care. So I postponed making the Family Federation. Now I can speak forthrightly because the world is able to believe and understand me. The Family Federation is the vehicle through which I will pass everything down. This is why I have to create the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
All of you blessed families must become the essential personnel of the Family Federation. You must make sure your attitude is correct so that you do not become lost, according to the standard of the Family Pledge. I cannot do this for you, nor can God. It is the responsibility of each of you as husband and wife. After recovering the family of Adam and Eve and being victorious in the work of restoration, you must join the realm of blood relations of the heavenly country. The Principled conclusion is that fallen human beings must restore this.
7 Family is the root. The root must be the basis for the general rule of everything. If we look at the family horizontally, there are families on Satan's side and families of the archangel on heaven's side. There are archangel families that can go to hell, and archangel families that will be able to return to the heavenly side. They all must be grafted onto Adams family.
Therefore, the hope for the future of fallen human beings rests on their ability to join the Family Federation. The greatest hope for fallen human beings is to establish the foundation to receive the Blessing through which they can inherit the true lineage. The number of generations it will require to reach that point is determined by the foundation of their righteousness and moral principles.
8 While we passed through the ages of history, human beings searched for the age of peace, but they did not understand unity. There cannot be lasting peace where there is no center. This means that for peace, there has to be unity. Therefore, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification emerged. The central family represents the world, heaven and earth. We can never have the center by only seeking peace horizontally. What we call the center must meet the horizontal at a 90-degree angle.
The overall conclusion of all this is the establishment of the FFWPU. Just insisting that there has to be peace will bring no resolution. There must be a subject partner. Therefore, we must go the path of love of the filial child, the patriot, the saint, and the divine son and daughter. Without accomplishing this, the parents cannot be liberated, the nation cannot be liberated, the world cannot be liberated, and heaven and earth cannot be liberated. Liberation will come only after horizontal peace is accomplished by way of the filial son, the patriot, the saint, and the divine son and daughter.
9 There are barriers between warring countries and between the advanced and underdeveloped countries. Eastern and Western civilizations are different. The former has a culture rooted in morality, and the latter rooted in material. The North and South represent rich and poor. Due to these differences, valleys were carved out, and these have fragmented the world.
Valleys only exist where first there are mountains. How can we create equilibrium? Most times, mountains are like barriers. How can we create level ground? In the Unification Church we speak about the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. In order to unify the world, we must first bring peace. Peace means that we make things level, and we become one. Let us bring equality between North and South, East and West, advanced and underdeveloped, successful and unsuccessful, man and woman, young and old. It starts with placing things on an equal plane; yet that in itself is not enough.
Creating a world of peace is not enough. Certainly, there must be reciprocal partners, so both the world of peace and the world of unity are needed. The world is hoping for peace and unity. After making a united and peaceful world, we must go to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and there we must settle in the family.
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